
For the Segmentation component of the Marketing Plan/ Shipping Station identify and define the market segments you will

target. You are required to identify and describe THREE segments for your Shipping service
The analysis should include:
1. A name for each segment (required). For example, if I were segmenting older consumers for a pet product, I might have

“Empty Nesters” and “Little Old Lady Cat Lovers.”
2. A narrative description of each of the segments. This is typically a paragraph and explains at a high level the

characteristics of the segment (see example).
3. How you are segmenting the groups, including the characteristics of your target segments. Be VERY specific and use no

less than THREE demographic and THREE psychographic variables for each of your segments. You may also need geographic

variables. You may use BULLETS for this part of the assignment.
4. A summary chart.

NOTE: This example is written for a product called It is an online vacation planner for
consumers taking their vacations at home. This is a common phenomenon in the current economy.

Childless Couples (Young Adventurers)
The Young Adventurers group is comprised of young adult couples who are mostly just starting out on
their own. Young couples are typically known to endure financial hardships (even without children) for
various reasons. These reasons might include young people being typically employed in entry-level
positions that usually do not pay the going average in their particular career field. On top of this, some
may have bills and debt from various sources such as vehicles and student loans. They may neither
possess the finances nor the large quantity of vacation time from their jobs to take a conventional

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Demographics for Young Adventurers
Age: 19-25
Relationship status: Living together or Newlyweds
Professional Status: Entry-level work
Children: None
Income Level: Low to Mid-level income
Psychographics for Young Adventurers
Family oriented
Money Conscious (On a Budget)
Adventure Seeking
Tree-Huggers (Environmentally Conscious)
Single Parents (Jugglers)
Jugglers have it pretty rough. They have to balance the time between caring for their loved ones and
providing for them. Throughout the year, Jugglers do not have a lot of time to bond with their children
because they are essentially doing the work of two parents, even though there is only one of them. At the
end of the day, Jugglers can be wound to the limit. Taking the time to connect with members of a Juggler
family can be of great benefit when it comes to avoiding dysfunction. Familial bonding creates memories
that show that there is more to life than the programmed rat-race existence that the Juggler family
members may be used to.
Demographics for Jugglers
Age: 21-35
Relationship status: Divorced or Unmarried
Professional Status: Steadily employed
Children: One or more
Income Level: Low to Mid-level income
Psychographics for Jugglers
Money Conscious (On a Budget)
Overworked (Need to take time to decompress)
Tree-Huggers (Environmentally Conscious)
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