“Selection Wages and Discrimination”: A Scholarly Article Analysis

“Selection Wages and Discrimination”: A Scholarly Article Analysis

The article is attached as: article

Analysis of a Scholarly Article in Economics

The idea behind this assignment is for you to take a closer look at your discipline’s discourse community. Discourse communities can only have similar interests and shared knowledge because they continually engage in the production, distribution, and consumption of written (as well as oral and visual) texts. This kind of textual exchange defines a discourse community, sustains it over time, and allows it to adapt to changing social conditions. In other words, discourse communities share not only interests and knowledge, but language, and the particular uses of language within a community keep that community going. In particular, understanding how a scholarly article in your discipline is constructed will give you a better understanding of how knowledge is made in that discourse community.
Audience: Instructor, Classmates
Length: 1500+ words

Read the attached files so you can answer the questions clearly : Johns, Repko, and Angeli. Reading these is very important so you can do the right analysis that is asked below.

These should be your 3 references + the article

Also look at the (sample project) so you can know what the professor wants form these reading and how to relate it to the main article

This assignment should have two main parts:
I. A brief (100-150 words) summary of the main idea of the article. (Do not base this summary on the abstract of the article.) (this part is already done, attached as: p2-summary)
II. An analysis of the article, taking into consideration the following points from the Johns article:
• _How does the article introduce the main topic and argument? What assumptions do the writers seem to make about the audience?
• _How do the authors situate their study in relation to other research that has been done in their discipline (or in other disciplines)? How do they use their sources?
• _What kinds of specialized language does the article use, and how does that language indicate who the audience of the article is meant to be?
• _How do the authors use metadiscourse to direct readers through the text?
• _How do the authors use hedging tactics when presenting arguments or conclusions? What are the effects of that hedging?
• _How are the authors “absent” from the text? How do they use grammar and lexis to distance themselves from the text? Alternatively, how are the authors “present” in the text? How do they appear as people with particular lived experiences? How do their decisions about whether or not to be present in their texts affect your confidence in their objectivity? (Does objectivity even seem to be a concern for them?)
• _What “vision of reality” do the authors present, and how does it represent the assumptions of the authors’ discourse community? How does the article represent, in other words, how the authors think like ________ (architects, accountants, biologists, engineers, etc.)?

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