Seminar Comm & Negotiation in Employee Relations


We finish our discussion forums for this class on the topic of negotiation. As you know from the material, these rules are the stuff of “labor relations.”  There are many outcomes or goals the two sides are working to achieve, and many of these are not goals that both sides hope to achieve; therein lies some of the difficulty.  On the other hand, they might well be on the same wavelength when it comes to process, relational, and/or emotional goals.

How does the choice of goals, goal types, and/or the extent of goals affect strategies, actions, and tactics in negotiation? 

Draw on your personal experience or observations, the PRIME scheme (from Week 5 lecture). Use that lecture as one citation and then try to get at least two citations from the single article this week. One more link to the lecture and one from an outside source will make a total of five citations for this exam response. Don’t forget to start with a clear and concise claim set apart from the rest of your post as well. Exam response should still be between 300-500 words.


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