Sex Therapy and Healing

Sex Therapy and Healing
Your adult friend tells you that an older boy raped him when he was 12. Right now the memories are inhibiting him from co-creating pleasurable lovemaking with his current partner (an older adult woman). He is very sad about holding back with someone he loves deeply and with whom he feels wide-ranging compatibilities. For the first time he feels he has found someone he "truly wants to settle down with," yet he worries he will be abandoned by her because of what he presumes must feel like sexual indifference.

You thank your friend for confiding in you and let him know that you are there for him. You also suggest he seek professional help with an experienced sex therapist whom you know and respect. Please describe how you would like this therapist, in attitude and technique, to approach your friend (without his partner, for now) during the first few sessions.

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