Short Essay

Short Essay

This assignment is worth 10pts instead of the normal 5. See point distribution below.

Watch one episode of a weekly, scripted television show (a situation comedy or drama series of some sort—no movies, no reality shows, documentaries or news magazine shows). This should also be a show that normally features a racially diverse cast. If you’re not show you want to analyze meets the requirements for this exercise, please email ASAP before the assignment is due.

Take notes while you are watching the show and do the following.

1) Are the nonwhite characters in the show depicted as being basically the same as the white characters? Or as very different from the white characters?

2) Do the white or nonwhite characters conform (in your opinion) to any racial stereotypes?

3) Describe the general pattern of interactions between white and nonwhite characters on the show… Do white and nonwhite characters seem to interact with each other in a trusting/open way? Are nonwhite characters relegated to the margins of a social world, that is primarily defined by whites (or visa versa, are white characters relegated to the margins of a social world defined by racial minorities?).For this final question try to describe these patterns numerically: how many times do these inter-racial interactions occur on the show? How many times are they portrayed in a positive or a negative light?

4) In your concluding discussion, explain whether this show corroborates or refutes the colorblind racism thesis (See our course materials from April 22nd for a definition of the colorblind racism thesis).
The Point Break-Down
3pts Answers to questions 1-3 (for the content of your answers, 1pt per question)
3pts Supporting evidence for questions 1-3 (1pt per question: description of scenes from the TV show you watched)
4pts Question 4: Concluding discussion that summarizes your findings and discusses the colorblind racism thesis

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