Sideways (2004: written by Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor

Paper details

1)Read the following screenplay: Sideways (2004: written by Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor) or Thelma & Louise (1991: written by Callie Khouri) -This

is completely up to the writers preference
2) Watch the movie o the script that you decided to read (This part depends on the writer’s preference)
3) Choose 2-4 scenes from the screenplay and their corresponding scenes from the film
4) Write about these scenes. Focus on how an actor translates (interprets, expresses, and / or changes) the script into a film performance. Be

specific to use some general terms in the movie such as headings (slug-lines), action, description, character caption, OS (off screen, speech, or

sounds), VO (video over and narrator), Phone conversations, parenthetical (brief instruction or description), blue print (description everything that

audience will see in the film), and most importantly, distinguish text (written words) and subtext (what really means, the idea and emotion that live

in the text). Story and context are also important to describe in this assignment.
*Possible questions to answer about a scene must include:
1) What differences are there in a scene from the screenplay compared to its corresponding scene in the final film in terms of performance? How do

you think the changes that were made, from script to film, affected the scene? Discuss specifically the acting.
2) How did the actor(s) interpret a scene or a moment in a scene? What choices did the actor make? For example, an actor may choose to scream a line

of dialogue or speak the line in a quiet whisper. What is your opinion of that choice and its effectiveness? (Note: Only discuss this point if it’s

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not an obvious choice by the actor.)
3) What subtext is in the scene? (in terms of character and actor/performance)? How is it played and what does it mean? Is it effective?
*Do not write about the plot in this paper.
*Graded for this paper will be : 1) Ability to address questions in the instructions 2) Conciseness and coherence of arguments and examples 3)

Cogency of examples given 4) Clarity of style and correct English usage
*Please notate the pages of the scenes you refer to within the body of the report.