SNAP Challenge Assignment Summer 2015 (100-points)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits to supplement the food budget of families

in need. Over 47 million Americans participate in SNAP to help purchase food.
The SNAP challenge gives participants a view of the struggle to obtain adequate food that is faced by millions of

low-income families in America. By accepting the SNAP challenge, you’ll commit to eating all of your meals from a limited

food budget comparable to that of a SNAP participant- about $1.50 per meal (The average monthly SNAP benefit per person

is $133.85). Many people at different ages and stages of their life participate in this program.
Use these websites to help get you organized and started. DO NOT limit yourself to these resources; however, please make

sure and use reliable websites. Also remember that any resource you use to obtain your information and menu planning, you

must use both in-text and reference page citations (APA format).
Part I: Participation/Activity:
A. You will participate in the SNAP challenge for 5-days. During that week you will:
• • Plan your food budget for the week based on the average SNAP benefit, which is $4.50 per person
per day- for ALL of your food and beverages.
• • Be aware of all food purchased- keep track of receipts. If you go over, account for it and justify it.
• • To really benefit from this challenge you should also consider not accepting free food from family,
friends and at work, as well as not eating food that you purchased prior to starting the challenge.
• • Keep a food log of your meals and snacks this week and include your portion sizes.
• • Using coupons or store savings is allowed to meet your budget.
Note/Disclaimer: If you live in an organized living situation, do not/cannot purchase your own foods, or have a medical

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condition that requires special food purchases, please make an appointment with Ms. Stoner-Davis and we can discuss

alternatives for this section of the assignment.
Part II: Writing Activity: Background Information (~2 page of content minimum)
B. Provide information on the SNAP program
Can reference the websites above
Do not limit yourself to these references; I would highly recommend more than 2-references, but
2 of your references must be peer reviewed from a scholarly journal.
Part III: Reporting, Summarizing, and Writing Activity: Submit a report in a Table
Format that includes the following information (Note: This is just a sample suggestion).
Day of the Week Breakfast Foods & Beverages (type & amount/serving size); Cost ($) Lunch Foods & Beverages

(type & amount/serving size); Cost ($) Dinner Foods & Beverages (type & amount/serving size); Cost ($)

Additional Snacks & Beverages (type & amount/serving size); Cost ($) Total Daily Cost ($)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Avg Cost
C. Summarize Your Experience. Reflect upon what you enjoyed about this experience. Comment on your personal challenges of

this experience. Discuss what aspects of this experience will help you be a strong professional in your practice/degree

area. What “life skills” must an individual have to successfully meet this budget? Do you think someone can achieve and

maintain “good health” and “good nutrition” via the SNAP program? What did you learn and value from this experience?
Part IV: Analyzing and Writing Activity:
D. You will analyze your intake the week you participated in the SNAP Challenge.
1. Complete a menu analysis using
i. You must create a profile with MyPlate/Supertracker
ii. Include a table of average intake for all 5-days
2. Clearly define YOUR age and stage (life cycle) of life – as defined by and consistent with the text book.
i. Estimated calories, estimated protein needs – should be included and compared.
a. Was Supertracker “accurate” in estimating calorie and protein needs in your
opinion? Why or why not?
c. Reflect on your analysis.
i. What were your nutrient areas of deficiency? Areas of excess? Do you think you could still stay within your SNAP

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budget and make up these deficiencies with alternate food items or menu choices? Reflect on your menu in terms of food

quality and nutrient density. What food choice changes need to be made to meet the needs for your age and stage of life.

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