Social Pedagogies and the Public Intellectual

Reflective essay – critical discussion of your personal philosophy of education

Whilst an important part of this assignment is that you should feel able to express your own beliefs and assert what you think about education, it is also important that you engage with a range of theories and approaches. You may choose to partially or wholly agree or disagree with others, but this assignment should demonstrate that you can engage in a dialogue about your ideas.

-What is education?
My personal Philosophy
-What education is?
-This is what education should be (however in implementing this their could be difficulties in…etc)
Limitation of my Personal Philosophy
-Although you write what education is do you think this is what teachers are doing? are they are they not?
• Should all educators be social pedagogues?
– What are the key elements of social pedagogy that appeal to you in an educational context? Why?
– What does it look like in practice? Where does it happen? Who does it? How does it relate to your experience?
– What are the weaknesses of social pedagogy?
– What are the constraints which limit the extent to which social pedagogy happens?
– Conclusion… Is there a difference between could and should? How will this impact on your own practice as an educator?

-(Back up and argue with Academic readings/Engage with a range of theories and approaches)
-In the Introduction you will have to explain what you will focus on relating it to social pedagogy
-Make my argument explicit, then relate to others
-Engage with a range of theories and approaches
-Not all about your opinion
-Should demonstrate that you engage in a dialogue about your ideas
-(AVOID being descriptive, Avoid listing opinions)
-Analyse my experiences with theories
-Argue why this is my opinion (Back up and argue with Academic readings)
-But do not make the essay reliable in sources

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