social problem

Please check the attached file which are powerpoint slides
slides contain all the definitions that need to write about.
So please look through the slides first and follow the direction to write essay.

1. Students are to visit the following political party websites to see what each party has to say on the issue of your choosing (e.g. gun laws, women’s reproductive rights, immigration reform, climate change, etc.). Make sure that all four sites deal with the issue in some capacity.
a. Democrats:
b. Libertarians:
c. Republicans:
d. Tea Party:

2. After visiting each website and taking notes on how each party frames the issue you selected, students should then answer the following questions for each political party:
a. What are the elements of each claim?
b. Who are the claimsmakers (e.g. activists, experts, both, or neither)?
c. What kinds of solutions are proposed?
d. What audience is each group targeting?
e. Is the way the claim delivered a successful way to reach the target audience or recruit new members to that party? Why or why not?

3. Trying to set your own political biases aside (something social researchers must do), which party presents their frame most successfully? Why? (e.g. here we are not talking about political party success, rather the way the party is framing the issue you selected, if they are mobilizing resources for the issue, how the issue could particularly affect their target audience, etc.)

4. Which party has the weakest frame on the issue you selected? Why? How could this party strengthen the way they frame the issue (keep in mind you cannot change the philosophical position of the political party – cannot make liberals more conservative or vice versa)?

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5. Reflecting on the analysis you have just done of political parties and claimsmaking, what do you think the relationship is between how parties frame issues and their target audience (e.g. voting constituents or new recruits)? How carefully do you think voters consume the information presented by the various parties on the issue you selected, or do voters often consider only information from one group? Based on your answers to the previous 2 questions in #5, what does this behavior mean for the democratic process in our country?
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