Social Work

Social Work

Using the strengths perspective, identify strengths of the elderly and of the aging process and explain your reasoning for your analysis.

Identify multidisciplinary interventions would be helpful in attending to the elderly and their families? Explain why you think so.

There are a number of situations/circumstances that present themselves/surface with an elder and family that is in crisis, living through (a) stressful event(s) and/or is having difficulty coping. Identify some of these dilemmas and resolve them.

Identify and describe risk factors and types of anxiety disorders in older adults. Describe how a Hispanic elder may use the term “nervios”. How is it similar or different to anxiety symptoms?
An older adult has both a medical examination and cognitive assessment for dementia and the evidence is strong to suggest the older adult has Alzheimer’s disease. The family begs both the physician and social worker not to tell the older adult. What should the social worker do?

Describe reminiscence and life review. Are they the same type of therapy? How does one, the other or both delve into unresolved problems for older adults? How do they differ in terms of emotions that are explored?

A social worker is working with an older woman who complains constantly that her illness is a punishment from God for things she has done in her life and is openly angry. The worker’s concept of a supreme being is one of a loving and compassionate spirit who does not punish. What should the social worker do? What would it mean to integrate spirituality and social work intervention techniques? What type of open-ended questions would you use in working with the client and why?

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