

This writing assignment is designed to increase your knowledge of language development among infants. The objective of this assignment is to apply textbook knowledge and use creativity to educate others on ways to encourage infants to talk through environmental stimulation. Imagine that you must create a brochure for parents who want to do the right things to encourage their child to learn to speak clearly and correctly. You can take the information given in the textbook as a starting point and use this to create the background knowledge that all parents must know. Next, you need to identify and create ways that parents can use their everyday environment to increase the language development of their infants. It may be useful to consult other resources such as parenting books and magazines. You should also consult research journals for information. Provide at least four ways that parents can stimulate language curiosity and engagement among infants.

Turn in a 5-6 page paper (double spaced) that explains language development among infants as well as ways that parents can influence and contribute to infant language development. All references should be in APA format throughout the paper, and a reference page is required at the end of the paper.

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