Specific Factors Models

Specific Factors Models
Writing Assignment
Instructions: In a brief 1000 word essay, write a policy memo answering the question posed
below. You answer should explain:
1. What model is best fit to address the policy question,
2. Reasons why the model is appropriate to address the question,
3. How the model can be used to answer the question, and what answer it gives,
4. Any empirical evidence on the predictions of the model that either confirm or refute
the model’s predictions, and
5. Reasons why or conditions under which the assumptions of the model may be inappropriate for this particular application.

You will be graded on how effectively your essay communicates answers to the above points.
Your responses will be due on D2L on November 18th.

Essay Question: Senators from both political parties have expressed concerns over the recent Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement’s effects on income inequality in the United
States. Are their misgivings well founded? What are the theoretical justifications or refutations for this proposed link between trade openness and income inequality, and what empirical
results can be marshaled as evidence for and against your case?

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