specimens & the plant growing project

specimens & the plant growing project

Herbarium: you need to prepare & mount two herbarium specimens which must be either in flower or have fruit and when mounted they should be labelled and presented correctly. You may include more specimens if you like but indicate which two specimens you want to be marked. Herbarium specimens should be mounted on only one side of heavy weight A3 cartridge papers and then protected from damage by attaching covering flaps made from fine translucent tracing paper. View the Herbarium PowerPoint slides for details on how to press and present your work.

Plant-growing project: you need to grow a medicinal herb species from its germinating seed stage – preferably right through to its flowering stage. If your chosen plant has small seeds then you need to also grow and illustrate a large seed, such as a broad bean, in order to show in detail the germination stages of a typical plant. You do not need to follow the growth stages of this large seeded plant, as you can then focus on the growth of your chosen herb instead, unless of course you decide to use the broad bean as your chosen species for the portfolio.

You need to make large clear labelled drawings of your chosen plant, showing its key growing stages and it final adult flowering stage.
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