Stories of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love

In reading these various aspects of Love, Desire, and Soul, what would you say are some of the differences between how we

view these things today and what would you say are some of the similarities?
Have you seen these themes being used in films you have seen?
Joseph Campbell says, and I’m paraphrasing, that if you want to meet Aphrodite, Mars, Eros, or Hephaestus, all you need

to do is walk down to the corner of Market and New Montgomery on any busy day of the week and they will be standing on

the corner. How do these themes play themselves out in your life – and what messages might you find in the tales that

could be helpful?
250-300 words

All written work must:

1. Be spell-checked, grammar-checked, and proofread for errors not caught by computer check.

2. Include a heading containing the student’s full name, class title and section, submission date, and instructor’s name.

3. Be typed and double-spaced.

4. Cite references used according to MLA style, (unless otherwise indicated by instructor). Students are encouraged to

use A Writer’s Reference by Diana Hacker for help with MLA style, revision, punctuation, and sentence style. (for more

information about MLA style please contact the OWL or reference the following internet site:

Please note that although discussion responses should have proper grammar and spelling and be void of plagiarism, MLA

formatting guidelines may not apply to these submissions.

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