student cafe

student cafe

Carefully read the student café question and the student café assignment rubric on how to prepare your assignment and remember part of the assignment includes responses to other student café assignments. You must use proper APA Style in each of your student café assignments to show evidence of research from the textbook or other credible sources. Your student café assignment is to include an introductory paragraph, a body and conclusion. Citations (quotations with references) from the textbook or other credible sources are required to enhance the overall credibility of your psychological explanations and ideas presented.

Using the information that you have learned throughout Chapter 12, design your ideal healthy lifestyle for disease prevention. What would you be sure to do? How would you do it? What psychological traits would you be sure to adopt? What would you avoid? Be sure to include several strategies from your textbook and/or other sources to maximize health and minimize stress.

The brain is incredibly complex. We traced the major parts of the brain and the behaviors each part of the brain is responsible for. This Student Cafe will examine what would happen to a certain activity if parts of the brain were damaged.

(a) Choose an activity that you enjoy doing (such as playing a team sport, hosting a dinner party, bathing a baby, travelling to a foreign country, working at your job, playing with your kids, etc.).

(b) How would a brain injury that caused damaged to cerebellum, hypothalamus, hippocampus and Wernicke’s area affect your ability to do that activity? Describe each of these four brain areas and explain how damage to each brain area would affect your ability to do the activity that you enjoy.

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(c) In your responses to other student café assignments talk about new ways of looking at the issues being raised.

Find a web site that focuses on an important social issue (urban violence, gender differences in hiring or promotion, cyber bullying, poverty) and locate descriptions of a research study about the issue.

Evaluate the study by identifying the hypothesis that was tested, the method used to test them, and the validity of the results reported.