Supply and demand analysis on Citigroup Inc.

Company selection: Citigroup Inc. Geographical location: limited to United States and Asia Pacific (if data can be

Questions paper must answer: Using your company selection (Citigroup Inc.), complete the following main elements:

1Identify two non-price variables such as customer income or demographics, advertising, prices charged for related goods

or services, or interest rates that affect the demand for the products or services you identified in your selection. 2How

does each of the variables affect the quantity demanded? 3Identify two non-price variables, such as wages paid to

workers, energy cost, price of key inputs, or technology, that affect the supply of the products or services you

identified in your selection. 4How does each of the variables affect the quantity supplied? 5Based on your analysis,

describe the current market equilibrium for the industry. Based on your analysis of the non-price demand and supply

factors, what external conditions should managers be monitoring to predict future changes?

Paper must be organized like this: You should create an outline for your paper based on these specific questions. In

addition, you should have an introductory description of your company, product and geographic region at the beginning of

the paper. It would make sense to collapse questions 1 and 2 into a single section. Questions 3 and 4 could also be

collapsed into a single section. In both of these sections you should describe how the external variables affect the

demand curve or the supply curve rather than the quantity demanded or quantity supplied. Remember also that an increase

in demand or supply should be described as a shift to the right of the demand curve or supply curve.

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