Survival Instincts

Please read “Strength in what remains”, It is very important. Thanks for helping me.
Background: Strength in What Remains is Tracy Kidder’s moving, non-fiction account of Deogratias’ tale, as a survivor of

genocide in Burundi and Rwanda and also as a survivor of homelessness, poverty, and cultural conflicts in his adopted

country of America. When Deo fled his homeland of Burundi in 1994, he barely understood what he was leaving behind, and

he had no idea of what he would face in his destination city, New York. As readers grasp what poverty in New York City

means and how genocide in Africa affects those victimized by it, Deo’s tale of survival, and eventual triumph, becomes

even more astounding. We are further uplifted by his continued efforts to heal, not only himself, but his community. And

as readers we are compelled to revisit our own myths of America, our role as American citizens or inhabitants, and our

role as citizens of the world. And ultimately, we find ourselves re-examining our course themes: human rights, identity,

and the role of the individual in maintaining dignity.

Your Task: In a 5-6 page essay, respond to the following prompt

As Kidder investigates Deo and his journey, he becomes keenly aware of the cultural differences between Burundi and the

United States, not the least of which is the way that people deal with grief, tragedy, and memories of death and loss.

Growing up, Deo was encouraged to forget the past, and warned of gusimbura, the act of bringing up a tragic memory or a

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lost loved one, as well as “The Talking Head” which implies the necessity and value of silence. However, when he arrives

in America, and even when he returns to Burundi with Kidder, he is asked to share his story, to remember his past, and to

re-live his experiences—the Western tradition of healing the past. And throughout the book, we see Deo rely on both of

these methods: forgetting and remembering. By the end of the novel, have we seen Deo adopt the Western method, maintain

his cultural traditions, or find a balance between the two? And is this the best way to approach a tragic past? In order

to answer this question, evaluate the purpose these two traditions serve in Deo’s life, and discuss their usefulness and

effect on Deo’s healing. You might also discuss the effect of these approaches on the war-torn country of Burundi and its


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