Survival Instincts

Please read “Strength in what remains”, It is very important. Thanks for helping me.
Background: Strength in What Remains is Tracy Kidder’s moving, non-fiction account of Deogratias’ tale, as a survivor of

genocide in Burundi and Rwanda and also as a survivor of homelessness, poverty, and cultural conflicts in his adopted

country of America. When Deo fled his homeland of Burundi in 1994, he barely understood what he was leaving behind, and

he had no idea of what he would face in his destination city, New York. As readers grasp what poverty in New York City

means and how genocide in Africa affects those victimized by it, Deo’s tale of survival, and eventual triumph, becomes

even more astounding. We are further uplifted by his continued efforts to heal, not only himself, but his community. And

as readers we are compelled to revisit our own myths of America, our role as American citizens or inhabitants, and our

role as citizens of the world. And ultimately, we find ourselves re-examining our course themes: human rights, identity,

and the role of the individual in maintaining dignity.

Your Task: In a 5-6 page essay, respond to the following prompt

Throughout his journey, Deo encounters people who want to kill him because of his ethnicity, employers who exploit and

humiliate him, as well as squatters who intimidate and rob him. But Deo also meets people willing to shelter him in their

home, people willing to fund his years at Columbia and Dartmouth, people who find his tale extraordinary and worthy of a

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book so that the world may know what happened to this man. Given all the circumstances surrounding Deo and totaling up

both the joys and horrors of his tale, does Deo’s story undermine or restore your faith in humanity?

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