Technical Precedent Studies

Don’t need introduction and conclusion. Just stright into the research:-
1. Around 500-600 for each building, looking at its context & site survey, environmental site analysis, & construction

material study.
2. Please write more about the enviroment, i.e. solar orientation and other micro climatic effects that influence the

amount of natural light, solar gains, ventilation and temperature control, how can other buildings make an interesting

proposition for your own site
3. Context – your site has an existing context and you are intervening into this context with your own building, what

other buildings have a similar relationship to their site?
4. Materiality – what other buildings use the same materials that you are considering both internally and externally for

your building. How could these influence the nature the spaces being created?

1. HSBC building (HK)
2. Motel One Minories
3.Nido Student Living London
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