

. Appleā€™s new iPhone data encryption that makes NSA and law enforcement agencies worry about whether they can still break into phones during investigation even with a court order. ( See Link:
a. Read the full article, do researchon the subject and discuss the technologies behind the new iPhone encryption. (1 page)

b. State and fully discuss your opinion (support or against) about the adoption ofthe iPhone encryption. (1 page)

c. Following Apple, Google will have its Android operating system with encryption by default. But as we know Google can still collect your data from Gmail. So do other free email services like Yahoo and Hotmail.

Suppose you have a full-time job in cybersecurity. If there is an email service charging $40 a year but does not collect your data. Are you willing to switch to this email service or would yourather stay in the current free email services by scarifying your privacy?(1 page)

d. This question is hidden/encrypted in the attached picture named img.jpg. You need to decrypt this picture to get the question (in text.txt file). (1 full page)
Hint: To decrypt the picture, you may access the virtual lab and access the folder. This time, you need to save the picture, copy this image file (img.jpg) to the c:\encrypt folder to replacethe original file already there on the virtual machine. Run the encrypt.exe you will see a text file comes out. The newly generated/decrypted text file is the question.

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