Ted Barker – guerrilla marketing

This essay needs too include:
Critically analysing a selected aspect
of a chosen brand’s marketing communications mix.
include theoretical frame works and images. create a brand positioning map
For your chosen brand, identify an area of their marketing communications mix (e.g. advertising,
social media, PR etc.), and using relevant theory, critically analyse its effectiveness, making recommendations as to how it could be developed in the future. This should be achieved through
a situational analysis of the brand. Provide recommendations as to how it could be improved. Your recommendations should have a clear time plan and consider the budgetary implications

This essay needs to include: indept analysis of ted backers marketing strategy as seen in guerrilla marketing. When does and don’t guerrillia marketing work for ted baker. An overview of Teb baker general Integrated marketing commination (IMC) channels and how does guerrilla marketing fit. Promotional objectives and strategies. Include business frameworks such was SWOT and one other framework.

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