Ted Discussions

Ted Talks (Deb Roy's The Birth of a Word and Cesar Kuriyama's One Second Every Day)

Watch both Ted Talks (Deb Roy’s The Birth of a Word and Cesar Kuriyama’s One Second Every Day)
Length: 250 words (minimum) per question

Question C (as taken from Ted Ed):

In order to probe the engagement properties of public media content, Roy and his colleagues are collecting and analyzing about three billion social media comments each month. Roy says they’re even able to identify key people who seem to exert a lot of influence over what other people watch on TV and say online. What do you think of this? Pros and Cons?

Question A:

At 17:06 in Deb Roy’s talk, he states that the “implications are profound … whether it’s for science, for commerce, for government … or perhaps most of all, for us as individuals”

For you personally (as an individual), what do you believe are the positive and negative implications as it relates to our increasing ability to collect massive amounts of data and “connect the dots” as Roy illustrates? Why?