Temperature and Time Content Discussion- discuss this point of view

An example for a “low and slow”  method is a roast. I make roast, potatoes and carrots in the crockpot often with a busy household. The tough cut of meat needs to maintain its moisture and needs to cook on a low heat to maintain flavor and tenderness. The science behind this method is that you want to cook it above the “collagen-dissolving minimum” (McGee, 163). Meats with lots of connective tissue must be cooked at a minimum temperature of 160-180 degrees to dissolve the collagen. But when you cook at this temperature the meat loses it’s fluid, so it’s a challenge to keep the tough and large cuts of meat moist. So, the best solution to keep them from drying out is to cook them on low and over many hours. Once the meat is tender (able to cut with a fork), remove from heat source so the meat stops . The physical changes you would see in the meat, is the meat will darken in color, the meat will shrink (as the moist is removed) and it will become tender and flake apart.        

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