the 9/11 speeches

To Build a Fire

Information: Many of us have encountered Jack London at a relatively early point in our reading lives, some as young as ten or twelve years old.But, here will examine him further: about his rather severe outlook on life, and his work representative of literary naturalism. Because London led such an interesting life, it helps to understand him by way of his biographies – beginning with his early privation and progressing through his flirtations with socialism, social Darwinism, and scientific racism. Often these ideologies existed simultaneously, in concert and in conflict, as they do in “The Law of Life.” The short story delivers an uncompromising message about the survival of the fittest in the animal and human worlds, and it will surely elicit interesting discussion about the representation of a culture (the Inuit people of the Arctic region) that London viewed as unavoidably fading in the face of white incursions.

“To build a Fire” dramatizes an enduring principle of London’s naturalism — that nature follows its course without heeding morality or sympathy — but not before it addresses the laws of nature more abstractly and, arguably, less interestingly. London’s narrative strategy allows the side-by-side unfolding of drama and abstraction.

Connections to Other Authors and Texts
“To Build a Fire” draws a conclusion about the relation between humanity and nature similar to Crane’s “The Open Boat”; both short stories, in spite of their vastly different strategies, agree that nature is sometimes cruel and always indifferent.
these are the question to answer, number them please. from the book the Norton Anthology American literature, author Jack London (1876-1947) To Build a Fire.

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1. How would you classify this story: Man against Man, Man against Society, Man against Nature, and / or Man against Animal? Why, explain. Provide specific example from the story.
2. Is there any acceptance of the man’s fate at the end of his story?
3. What are the characteristics of Naturalism?