The Lively Art by Edwin Wilson and Alvin Goldfarb

The Lively Art by Edwin Wilson and Alvin Goldfarb

Directions: Select and answer the following questions. The questions require paragraphs of at least 5 sentences.

a. What are three challenges of acting? Provide specific details as well as techniques the actor uses to meet those challenges.

b. Describe the process required to move a production from “the page to the stage,” – that is, from developing the initial concept to casting, the initial rehearsals, on to opening night. Who is responsible for organizing and moving the process forward? Are other theatre artists involved in this process? Who are they? What are their functions and contributions?

c. Compare the stage-to-audience relationship in the three most popular theatre architecture arrangements. Why is the relationship between the spectator and the performer important? Which is the most intimate arrangement? Which is the least intimate arrangement?

d. Describe the difference between realism and non-realism in scene design. How is one approach different from the other? Why might one be chosen over the other for a particular play?

e. Can lighting alone create mood? How? If not, why, what other elements are required to create mood effectively?

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