The Spiritual World

The House of the Spirits by ISABEL ALLENDE.
the main major thing i want you to talk about in my reaction paper is The Spiritual World.
This is the major part of my paper. show how the author develops the theme. Give specific examples (be sure to cite

them). Show how the theme is presented in various parts of the work.
Does the writer present this idea fairly or are they slanted? How so?

* What are the strengths of the content of this Literary work? Weaknesses?

* What could be added to this material to make it better or more complete?
d. Reaction: give your personal reaction to this material. Your reactions should include these points:
* Why do you think this work was a good/bad choice for you to read?

* Did you like it? Dislike it? Explain.

* What did you find surprising about it? What angered or
delighted you? Explain.
How does this material relate to your own life experience ? Explain.
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