The film is: Shane (

-To what extent does Shane represent the ideal qualities of the Western hero?
-Does Shane live or die at the end of the film? How does Shane’s survival (or not) affect our understanding of the film’s theme(s)?

At least 300 words in length, and should be well-written, reasoned, and organized. You are encouraged to be creative in these paper – add videos, pictures, links to other sites, etc. to help illustrate your arguments.

• The paper you contribute to the site should be critical and analytical in nature. You may include a brief evaluative response to the film, but you should not think of this as a space for film reviews. Liking or disliking a film or television show is only the starting point for an interrogation of why.

•Follow good writing guidelines. Even though blogs are less formal than other types of writing, some standards still apply. So, proofread your posts for spelling and grammatical errors. If you are incorporating research from outside sources, make sure you are citing them appropriately (whether via hyperlink or more traditional formats.)
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