This is English Composition II course.

This is English Composition II course.
Follow essay instructions below CAREFULLY. AVOID WORDINESS.

At the end of Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” we see the murdered grandmother “in a puddle of blood with her legs crossed under like a child’s and her face smiling up at a cloudless sky.” In a well-organized and developed essay of five paragraphs, explain the grandmother’s epiphany. (We can assume her spiritual epiphany happened at the last moment of her life when she reaches out to the Misfit.) For those of you who strongly believe the grandmother had no such epiphany, your thesis will address WHY she was not redeemed at the very end. MY ADVICE: This essay is, I think, easier to write if you assume she was “saved” at the very end when she reached out to touch the Misfit.

SUGGESTION: In thinking about the story you might take into consideration the following passage from the New Testament, Matthew 18, 3:

And (Jesus) said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Note: It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are in writing this essay. What does matter is that you simply appreciate that O’Connor herself often used the topic of “what makes a good Christian” and “Christian hypocrisy” in her stories.


I. Introductory paragraph of 4-5 sentences in which the last sentence is a thoughtful thesis (main point) which responds to the question posed (explaining the grandmother’s epiphany, assuming there is one– the symbolism and imagery of the story suggest that she did experience a sudden redeeming epiphany). Consult “Writing Effective Introductions”–click on from Control Panel.

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2. First body paragraph in which you characterize the grandmother, emphasizing her negative traits.

3. Second body paragraph in which you characterize the Misfit.

4. Third body paragraph in which you discuss/analyze the encounter between the grandmother and the Misfit.

5. Concluding paragraph in which you discuss the grandmother’s epiphany and the larger themes the story seems to suggest about the nature of good and evil.

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