Subject: English
Curious Incident ESSAY TOPICS: (PICK ONE)

1. The novels includes many maps and diagrams. Explain how and why these are used. How effective are these images in helping readers view the world through Christopher’s eyes, as well as understanding his character? Do they need to be in the novel? What is gained by them or lost if they aren’t there?

2. Examine Chris’s relationship with several minor characters that he interacts with. How is he similar to and different from them? What is the novel saying about communication between people? Use textual examples to support assertions.

3. In one sense Haddon’s novel can be referred to as metafiction. Christopher discusses and critiques the writing process, genre, and literary devices. Give examples to show how the book is a book about writing books. What is being concluded about novels, writing, and reading?

4. Though Christopher doesn’t care for jokes, there are several comic scenes and lines in the novel. How is the humour ironic, sad, and frustrating? Give examples.

5. Compare and contrast Christopher’s conversation and interaction with Siobhan with that of either his father or mother. Which relationship seems to be the most meaningful and why? Give examples.

6. What elements of detective fiction are present in the novel? How are they used? What kind of detective is Christopher? Is Haddon following the traditions of the detective novel or is his doing something different with the content and form? Give examples to support analysis.

7. Math and logic play large roles as motifs in the novel. Why does Christopher like math and logic? Examine how numbers and rationality are presented, and what comment the novel is making about using logic to approach problems. Give examples.

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8. Christopher’s trip to London highlights the challenges he has being on his own and the disadvantages of his condition in terms of coping with the world. Explore this section of the novel by analyzing the most frightening, disturbing, and moving aspects.

9. Discuss the importance of Christopher’s voice as the narrator of the story. What is his style and mood, and how are they related to his experiences? You will want to focus on such thing as description, diction, sentence structure, attitude, etc. How does this voice touch the audience and what do we learn about ourselves?

10. One the main disadvantages of Christopher’s autism is that he can’t project, intuit, or understand what others might be feeling or thinking. Locate several scenes where this happens and explain what effect this mental and emotional isolation has on Christopher. What truths about us and living in the modern world are exposed?

11. Haddon has written books for both young and old audiences. Give examples to show how this novel seems like a cross between literature for adults and children? How does Haddon’s book appeal to both groups? Is there a difference in the two audiences? Explain and give examples.

12.Someone once said that a great work has the ability to make readers feel pleasure and discomfort. The Curious Incident was a critically acclaimed, award-winning bestseller. What elements made the novel such a success in making the audience feel happy and uncomfortable? How does it entertain and teach us? Give examples.

13. Show how the novel can be interpreted as a bildungsroman by explaining what type of initiation story it is, and what elements it has. Consider whether or not Christopher changes over the course of the novel and develops.

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