Tornado Valley

Tornado Valley
Authors name and discussion of author qualifications
Summary of the article IN YOUR OWN WORDS
A CRITIQUE of the data, results, and conclusions of the article IN YOUR OWN WORDS
NOTE: to critique is to analyze the pros and cons of the article is the author presenting good science or just opinion? is the author a recognized expert? How could the article be improved?
Answer the following questions:
How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole?
How does this article relate to my life?

Directions: Read through several recent scientific magazines (suggested publications: Science, National Geographic, Discover, New Scientist, Scientific American, or Nature).Pick out one article which relates directly to a topic covered within this Earth Science class (published within the last three years).

Minimum Word Length for Essay: 1000 words

Tornado Valley: Why Are There So Many Tornadoes in the South? APA(American Psychological Assoc.)References Deadly Storms Sweep Southern U.S. (2014). America, 210(17), 8. will probably need supplemental resources to add additional information
Reference Page is needed. Please include a rough draft should adhere to the guidelines outlined within the essay instructions. rough draft should include a Summary & detailed Critique of the article. The rough draft should also include a reference page listing all proposed source materials.

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Place this order with us and get 18% discount now! to earn your discount enter this code: special18 If you need assistance chat with us now by clicking the live chat button.

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