
As a collaborative consultant you are asked by a school principal to chair a Teacher-Parent
meeting to develop an educational plan to address the needs of Tom, a 10 year old student, whois new to the school and the neighbourhood. Tom has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and very limited literacy skills by a clinical psychologist and you have been given a copy of this assessment. Tom’s teacher Sue is a beginning teacher and wants you to chair the meeting because she doesn’t feel confident doing it herself. She sees this as a valuable training opportunity for learning to work collaboratively with parents.
In answering the following questions please use a collaborative approach to the processes of
planning and problem solving.

1. You agree to chair the teacher-parent meeting but have never met the parents, student orteacher involved. What could you do to ensure that this is a productive meeting ?

2. Since you have a copy of the psychologist’s recent assessment is there any need to furtherclarify Tom’s learning needs ? If so, what needs to be done?

3. At this first meeting would you invite Tom to attend the meeting, for a part or the whole ofthe meeting or not at all ? Please explain your reasons.

4. If you find that Tom’s parents lack confidence in speaking up in meetings at the school, andhave a strong sense of inferiority because of their limited education and unhappy memoriesof their own schooling, what might you do to help overcome this ?

5. If someone tells you that the mother is extremely depressed at present what do you thinkher current needs might be and what might you do to meet them.

READ ALSO :   Assessment: Report

6. If you find Sue, the teacher, asking the parents to punish Tom at home if he misbehaves atschool, how might you respond to this ? Please give reasons.

7. If you find out that Tom has been a lonely and unhappy boy for some time and has suffereda lot of bullying at his previous school, what do you expect his immediate social andemotional needs might be, and how might they be addressed ? Remember Tom is new tothe school and the family is new to the neighbourhood.

8. At the end of the meeting what might you do to evaluate how well the meeting went and tolisten to and respond to any negative feelings or concerns of participants ?
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