Tourism, Social media/Instagram. I

Introduction (half page)
– Deals with the relevance of your study. Always address business relevance. Next to that, a non-commissioned thesis should certainly make

clear here what it would add to existing knowledge (i.e. the Lit Review). A commissioned thesis should clarify how it helps to solve a

business problem or provide insights for a business opportunity (i.e. the Context Analysis). Personal motivation is not part of an

Introduction section, but may be mentioned in the Preface of the actual thesis.

Context analysis (Half page)
– Describe the geographical area/population or market of your study and address specific issues. If relevant statistics exist (e.g., UNWTO

/ Mintel), include these as well.

Literature review (8 pages)
– Please use academic articles to explain to the reader what your topic is about. Define it, discuss

elements/aspects/processes/mechanisms, theoretical models, applied models, anything that is relevant. Start broad, and narrow it down from

– What is not known and relevant, this should be input for your research questions. (For a non-commissioned thesis.)

Problem analysis (1 page)
– Provide a rationale for your study, based on the Context Analysis and Literature Review. If possible, include a conceptual model.
– Define the aim of your study in relation to the above. The aim fits into one sentence and contains two parts. (1) the primary/secondary

data analysis and (2) the focus of the recommendations (i.e., the business relevance).
– Define the research questions (normally 2 – 5). The research questions should address primary field research (e.g., survey, interview,

observation) and/or secondary data analysis (e.g., content analysis of weblogs, existing database) only.

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Methodology (1 page)
– Define population(s) and sample(s). This includes sampling procedure. If necessary (check!), include the permission to sample. Always

include the required net sample size. For a cross-sectional quantitative survey we recommend to strive for a net sample of 400. For a

qualitative study including in-depth interviews we recommend to strive for 20 interviews of a minimum of 45 minutes each.
– Specifically address which different methods are used to answer your research question; choose the method(s) which are best in your

situation (given restrictions).
– Describe the content of the instruments (topic list/questionnaire/observation scheme/etc.) which you will use, clearly linking it/them

to the literature review/context.
– Specifically mention what type(s) of data analysis you use
– Address limitations of your proposed study. (In the actual thesis these go to the Discussion section.)
– Provide a “Plan B” in case your initial idea fails
– Please do not explain research terms and do not mention research already conducted for the Lit Review (i.e., desk research)