Transgender culture in South Korea

Introduction (1 page)
The introduction to your research paper, which outlines your research question, what is this study about, why is it important. Think of this section as the map and the ad for the research paper to follow.
• What is this study about?
The paper is going to discuss the transgender culture in South Korea Society. How South Korean people think about transgender culture? What are the problems and difficulties South Korean transgender are facing? What’s the overall attitude South Korean hold towards to South Korean transgender, how does this has been changed over the time and the culture globalization?
• Why is it important?
It is very rare to see transgender celebrities in South Korea media. Transgender culture has not been accepted by major people for a long time.
However, in recent 3years, there are more and more transgender appeared on TV and new media (such as Youtube and Afreeca TV) now.
It is important to analyze what makes people reject trans culture, how people’s attitude towards transgender culture has changed or not.

Background (4 pages)
This section reviews the studies that have already been done in your subject area. Review, compare, contrast and critique 3-5 studies as they relate to your study. Over all you want to have answered the questions “what do we already know in this area, what are the key questions, and what do we still need to investigate”

The video have English Sub, you will be able to understand

This drama clips will give you a sense how traditional Korean family will treat a transgender family member. But, attention, this is a drama, there must be also have family who will support their family member to become a transgender. Why media is telling a negative story?



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Methods (2 pages)
A report on HOW you conducted your study. What general method of investigation did you use? Interview? Focus group? What kind of people did you talk to? Describe your actual sample very concretely: How many people, what backgrounds, where located? What did you ask them? What theme or ideas did you look for?

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I have interviewed few South Korean about how do they think about transgender. All of them are the student introduced by Korean Center in San Francisco. They are all new coming immigrants to United States. They spend most of their life in South Korea. So they are not very familiar with transgender culture before they came here. And now gradually accept (OR NOT)the transgender culture with in a month.

3 Male and 3 Female, cover the age from 20s-40s. Make sure you describe your interviewees.
I have also done an online survey among 20 South Korean citizens.
The interview is done in their native language, so you can use the public reaction content and pretend it as your interview answers.

This is a recent video about how Korean guys and girls will react to lady boys

This reality show clips give introduce how transgender is living in South Korea right now and how media become more open to include transgender contents. There is public response at the end of the video clip

Here are the main interview questions:

1. How do you think of transgender?
2. How would your friends and your families think about transgender?
3. What kind of difficulties do you think they might have in social life as being a transgender?
4. Would you accept your friends change his or her gender? Or would you be friends with transgender? How about family?
5. Why doesn’t society accept the one who wishes to change his/her gender? Do you think that people should have right to live the life their way? If yes, then why not to transgender?
6. Did you notice Choi Han Bit is transgender when you were watching her dance video?
7. Do you agree trans-female should be exempted from the mandatory military service?
8. Do you think trans-male should be responsible for the mandatory military service?

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Findings (6 pages)
A report on what your research discovered. Summarize and sort your findings. What general patterns or themes emerged from your research? Report the most important patterns, first, and then less important. If necessary, section off your findings into themes with subheadings. Use table or charts if you want to report on data that can best be summarized using numbers. Always use specific and concrete evidence to support your claims. Keep in mind that you are trying to convince the reader, using evidence that your thesis/claims are supportable. Typically, a research project this size will have 3-5 key theme/topics to discuss. You can begin the project with these themes in mind (develop interview questions around them) or these may emerge as you systematically observe (when you have watched a film four times looking at gender interactions)

Four findings:
1. There is an increasing number of transgender people in South Korea recent years.
2. Transgender culture is really hard to be accepted by older generation such as 40s, 50s and 60s. People older than 70s don’t even know about transgender.
3. Younger generation are becoming more open regards to transgender culture. However, they are more likely to accept foreign transgender culture, not Korean transgender culture.
4. South Korean transgender people in South Korea have a lot of difficulties as living as a “normal people” Such as, mandatory military service, marriage, education and career searching.

Analysis (3 pages)
What do you think this data means? Interpret and analyze your observations and interview data. Try to make general. Try to come to some general conclusion about what your study found in terms of your research question. Were you able to answer your question? Did you answer it in the way you thought you would (Were you hunches or hypotheses upheld?) Link your findings back to the review of literature—how do your findings relate to other studies

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Discuss more about your findings and connect it with the background. I will give a main idea, but make sure you expand it and use example to support and explain it.
1. Why there is an increasing number of transgender people in South Korea recent years.
Possibly explain can be the globalization of media and culture. Transgender in US has a globally effect.
2. Why trans culture is hard to be accepted by older generation?
Possibly explain can be the tradition gender roles and gender social levels in Korean culture history and the society
3. Why younger generation are becoming more open regards to trans culture?
Possible explain can goes back to the globalization idea.
For example, one of the interviewee mentioned that after he came here and see transgender people down the street in San Francisco day by day. He become more comfortable with transgender culture compare with before.
4. Read the articles that I have provided and identify some main difficulties that transgender people in Korea might have.

Conclusion (1 pages)
Summarize and review your entire paper. What did you learn? How has your study contributed to our knowledge about qualitative approaches to communications and culture? What are some limitations of your study? What remains to be done? What further research would you suggest in this area

A list (in APA style) of all the materials you reference in the study (Books, articles, videotapes, textbook, lecture notes, TV shows, films, etc)