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A Tsunami is a large series of waves created by an underwater disturbance like an earthquake, a landslide, a volcanic

eruption, and even in some cases a large meteorite striking the ocean. These events create massive waves of energy that

travel at high speeds relatively unhindered though the depths of the ocean. Once these waves reach shallow water they

begin to slow down. suddenly the top and bottom of the water are traveling at different speeds and it causes a dramatic

rise in water level. Tsunamis have the potential to destroy anything that may lie within it’s reach. Unfortunately, there

isn’t a very accurate way to predict Tsunamis yet. There is a buoy system currently that can give a signal if it detects

the possibility of one but they aren’t very reliable. The best way to stay safe from a Tsunami is to be away of your

surroundings. Tsunamis can travel across the entire length of an ocean within a day. So if you live near the water, be

aware of any earthquakes or landslides throughout the world. A Tsunami can hit the shore on the opposite side of the

ocean just hours after it’s been generated. Also, once a Tsunami makes land, the danger remains up to hours. Since

Tsunamis are a series of waves and not a single wave, the first rise in water may not be the most powerful. Luckily, some

terrain features like coral reefs or barrier islands can dissipate the energy of a Tsunami before it hits the coast.

Again, there are few warnings. However, if you see the water retreating rapidly or unusually farther out to sea than

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normal, you may have up to 5 minutes to get as far inland as possible. If you live along a river or lake that feeds into

an ocean, it may be best to stay away from the banks, as the energy of a Tsunami can often go upstream. If you own a boat

and you get a Tsunami warning, the best option may be to take your vessel out to sea. The farther out to sea you are, the

less likely you are to feel the effects of the Tsunami.
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