Ud Taksimi [simon]

1. How is this instrument similar or diffierent to the guitar? How is this music similar or different to american classical guitar performances?

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Ud Taksimi [simon]

Duration: (10:39)

User: tahirakbey – Added: 12/30/06

YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mNxwgAmTKM

2. This is a long video and I only ask that you watch 5 minutes of it. This video shows many mosques and demonstrates the importance of religion to the arab world. The text for this music lists 99 names of God. Please comment on your impression of the music and the mosques in this video. Click here to see the 99 names for God.

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Asmaa Allah El Hosna

Duration: (22:25)

User: samer1611gggg – Added: 7/21/12

YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWpCaPLSmtg

3. List several important aspects of Middle Eastern and Arab history that are important for understanding music of the Arab world.

4. What are some ideas, controversies, and misconceptions about “Music and Islam”?

5. Discuss rhythm in Arab music. What is the difference between metric and nonmetric performance? Give examples of each from this chapter and find other examples on the Internet, from the Worlds of Music CDs, or from your own collection.

6. Name a few musical features that contribute to Arab musical aesthetics.

7. What is special about Arab scales (maqamat) and Arab intonation?

8.discussion:How has learning about the music of the Arab world influenced you percecptions of this part of the world and the people that live there?

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