Using blogs in teaching ESL/EFL writing

Using blogs in teaching ESL/EFL writing

Instructions for the research paper.
The Title: Using blogs in teaching ESL/EFL writing
1. Title: “Using blogs in teaching ESL/EFL writing”
2. Paper should be at least 12 pages in length.
3. You should include at least 10 sources in this research. The sources should be from the past two decades, but try to emphasize the most contemporary research.
4. Use APA style to document the research.
5. The papers will be graded holistically, based upon:
a. Strength of the thesis.
b. Relevance of the research.
c. Clarity of the writing to support the thesis;
d. Excellence of the proofreading and editing.

Instructions for Proposal for a Research Essay

Length: 250-500 words


1. Title: Give a title for the essay which is (Using blogs in teaching ESL/EFL writing)

2. Purpose: Describe the topic as fully as you can. Identify the major research question, with an anticipated thesis (position). Consider the issues and formulate your purpose around a narrowly defined issue related to teaching ESL/EFL writing (Using blogs in teaching ESL/EFL writing).
3. Background:
a) Explain why you’re interested in the topic and why others should be interested as well.
b) What do you already know about the topic?
c) Explain your interest in the topic.
4. Preparation and Search Strategies: Do a little preliminary searching (you may use the MSU Library portal on Racernet). What kind of sources have you identified?
5. Research Essay: Remember that your proposal is the template for your essay, which you should anticipate as being about 10-12 pages, and which should cite approximately 10 sources. There is a full expectations for the assignment below.

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