Using the knowledge and understanding you have gained on this unit, you need to write an academic essay identifying and critically examining a recent government social policy in relation to health in Australia.

Using the knowledge and understanding you have gained on this unit, you need to write an academic essay identifying and critically examining a recent government social policy in relation to health in Australia.

Your essay must:
-include an identification and overview of the selected policy
-identify key issues related to the policy
– identify & evaluate the policy within its social, political and historical context
-include a critical evaluation of the policy and government responses to it
-include relevant theory as appropriate to the topic
-use third person writing style
-clearly and logically present ideas
– analyse, evaluate and correctly reference a wide range of sources
-use correct grammar and spelling
The following references MUST be used:
-the theory of social policy
-T.H. Marshell
-Bridman & Davis
-historical context
-policies pros and cons?
-social context
-normative theory

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