valuation Notes: Deconstructing Installation Art: Fine Art and Media, 1986-2006

valuation Notes: Deconstructing Installation Art: Fine Art and Media, 1986-2006
About the Autumn Term Presentation Project

This project is organized as an introduction to academic study and critical research.

It is not organized around facts, but methods. It?s about learning how to learn and research at a B.A. academic level.

It will help you to:

1 .Survey wide areas of art history and cultural debate:
Gain a sense of the ?big picture?.

2.Learn about the importance of contexts: compare, contrast.
Understand how cultural issues and practices relate to one another

3. Probe particular questions and topics in detail:
Gain specialist knowledge about the ideas and practices that are your personal obsessions.

4. Conduct academic research:
Access and use diverse, serious research sources (not just the internet!)

5.Evaluate your research sources:
Learn when to use which source; decide what?s credible, and what to avoid!
Autumn Term Presentation: some useful questions

When responding to these, back up your judgments with evidence ? and keep track of where your quotes have come from.

*Who is/are the author(s) of the subject you are investigating?
What else have they written or produced? What are their central interests? Who are they writing for?

*In what particular ways can a sculptor/media artist/painter make use of this? [Focus on your own pathway]

*Has your subject been reviewed or discussed in print or online?
How has it been received? Who likes it? Why? Who doesn?t? Why not?

*Is this clear, or confusing? And is that good, or bad?
Do you like it being clear? Do you enjoy being confused by it?

READ ALSO :   from 0 to google

*What else do you need to read or look at to understand and assess this text, site or series?
[Comparing and contrasting: map out some more background research]

*Does your subject bring any obvious ideological, social or political agendas with it? How does that affect your reading of it?

*How does your subject use images in relation to its text?
Browse the pictures. Is it innovatory? Insensitive? Informative? Beautiful? TOO beautiful?

*When was this produced?
How does that affect your understanding of it?

*Where was this produced?
How does that affect your understanding of it?

*How does this compare to the other subjects on the list?

*What have you learned from looking closely at this site, publication or series?
Has anything surprised you? Have you changed your initial opinion of it?

*Pick out, share and discuss some really good/useful/interesting extracts and ideas

*Pick out, share and discuss some extracts/aspects that you find unhelpful

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