Video review 5

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Segment 5 :Why we need instructional design more than ever : learning technologies 2013
I)_ What is in this segment?
Instructional design is a form of teaching in which the learning objectives and requirements of a particular audience are thoroughly understood. These in effect guide instructors in formulating and developing systematic curriculum and instructions that are tailor made to suit the students needs (Welty, 2007). This core principle is what Allison Rossett had been emphasizing in the video lecture.

Keywords » design instruction – Instructional Design – Learning Theories – instructional design and technology – ADDIE
II)- Key Issues and Questions:
This movie deals with the following ideas and questions:
Q. What instructional design is through defining the underlying principals?
Q. Is instructional design models are based on the ADDIE model?
Q. Why instructional design deserves to be reconsidered
Q. What makes up good instructional design?
Q. How does good ID influence performance and results?

III)- Reliability:
Dr. Allison Rossett is Professor Emerita of Educational Technology at San Diego State University internationally celebrated for her work in the field of learning, performance and design at San Diego University.

IV- Reflective Statement
Rossett presented the problem statement with revolved around the shortcoming of the current modes of teaching students. In the video, she uses relevant examples and analogies to clarify and support her arguments. She elaborates what instructional design is through defining the underlying principals. On the second part of her presentation, she expounds further on main points of instructional design. She emphasizes on the essence of understanding the target audience, developing a focused instructional process, collecting data for evaluation purposes and finally taking corrective measure where there is a negative deviation.
Rosette advocates for an implementation of the various competing learning theories currently in place (constructivism, behaviorism, cognition among others) together. Each separate approach has his pros and cons but when used together they can make the acquisition, understanding and application of knowledge much faster, easier and interactive. Moreover, she demanded that her audience broaden their scope with regards to the varied ways in which instructional design applies. It is up to us to find creative ways of utilizing and applying the principles of instructional design. In addition to this, technology can be used to enhance the above processes given its reaches and appeal.
In order to capture and maintain her audiences’ attention, Rossett used varied methods to accomplish this end. For instance, she used a lot of everyday analogies to relate their daily experience to the material being taught. Furthermore, she understood that to make a presentation engaging and interactive; she had to ask questions at various points in time during the lecture. This had the effect of stimulating the thoughts process of her listeners. Moreover, she was very animated; using voice modulation to convey different emotional states, facial expressions to stress a point, bodily gestures, and laser pointing device to focus attention on particular points on the screen. Finally,Rossett used tag lines and sarcasm which were easy to memorize.

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Most of the instructional design models are based on the ADDIE model. One of the pillars of ADDIE is evaluation (Welty, 2007), which entails gathering and assessing data. The lecture was lacking in its presentation of concrete statistical data. Evaluation is one of the pillars that constitute instructionaldesign, and statistical data should have been used to demonstrate the successes of this school of thought.
The presenter did not manage her time properly; she rushed the presentation towards the end, overlooking some major points in her presentation that were the essence of the lecture itself. This in effect left little time to allow for questioning from her audience. Hence, the viewers were unable to ask questions that they found controversial or where they did not comprehend the material thoroughly.
Mostly, the video had accomplished its aims though with minor flaws regarding time management. One is left thinking how best can information be better presented in an informative and attractive way in order to make learning more interactive and fun to all the stakeholders involved.


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