Violence and Discrimination in the transgender

Current event Analysis paper – Violence and Crimes related to Transgendered individuals
Current event topic: Transgender woman killed in Philly attack
Your current event will be the basis of your research question. For example, if I selected the banners from houses in Morgantown during the first week of class I might ask, “How do murders and attacks like this current event make more people aware of sexual identity discrimination and stereotyping with these violent attacks?”
Your research question should address the content of WGST 340 in a substantive way. Your argument must allow you to address the content of this course. You do not need to put your research question in your paper (or your presentation, for that matter). This is meant to help you stay organized and focus only.
Current Event Analysis Paper is a thesis-driven argument about your current event. You will use materials we’ve read this semester and those you find on your own using the resources at WVU’s library to support your thesis. This is an academic essay; it must use proper grammar and spelling, demonstrate attention to organization and cohesion, utilize MLA citation formatting (including a Works Cited/Bibliography/etc. that does not count toward page length), and, most importantly, showcase what you have learned this semester. This is not an opinion paper; you should not write a paper based on your feelings, reactions, etc. In this 300-level course you have to demonstrate your ability to go beyond opinion and reaction and instead focus on academic writing.
Select and analyze a current event • Ability to make a unique argument and uncover new lines of thinking about your current event and its intersections with gender and violence • Select and utilize at least four credible sources to support your analysis o Your current event does not count as one of these sources! • Utilize at least two sources from outside of WGST 340 in your analysis o At least one of these sources must be an academic source • Utilize at least two sources from WGST 340 in your analysis • Include a clear thesis in the first or second paragraph • Avoid personal reaction—instead focus on analytical argument • Support claims with evidence (quotes from sources, summary, paraphrase!) • Use proper MLA, including in-text (for quoted, paraphrased, and summarized material) and Works Cited citations • Follow the standard of work outlined in the syllabus • Display purpose and careful attention to structure and organization • Make sure all ideas and sentences relate to the thesis • Ensure that your essay is coherent; paragraphs and sentences flow logically and smoothly into one another • Finally, evidence that your draft is carefully revised and proofread; proper spelling and grammar is utilized

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