Violent Crime in the City of Chicago

Violent Crime in the City of Chicago

Include the following in your Draft Evaluation Design:

Describe the program, problem, or policy that you identified.

(Violent Crime in the City of Chicago)

Identify and explain your revised research question and variables to be used in your evaluation.

(Why did violent crimes increase in the City of Chicago)

Identify and explain the revised research/evaluation design to be used in your evaluation and how this design addresses issues of validity and reliability.

(Case Study) or you can choose it.

Identify and explain the sampling design to be used in your evaluation and the anticipated size of your sample.

(Simple Random Sample)

Identify and explain the information/data needed for the evaluation. Explain how, specifically, this information will be collected (e.g., what secondary sources you will use and/or what data collection instrument you will use to collect the information). If you plan on using a survey, please include the survey in an appendix to your paper.
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