
To survive in a highly competitive environment, a business organization must adapt and change (evolve). Successful organizations seek continuous improvement in how they create and deliver products and services. This can include changing existing processes or inventing new processes. Such process changes are made utilizing a myriad of different methodologies including (but not limited to) CIMM, TQM, Six Sigma, Balanced Scorecard and ERP.

Use Walmart as the Organization

1. Which, if any, quality methodology does your organization use in evaluating its processes (CMM, TQM, Six Sigma, Balanced Scorecard, ERP, etc.)? If one is not used, explain why you believe your organization does not utilize a quality methodology.

2. Isolate and detail one process in your organization that was created, changed, or adjusted using the methodology identified in #1. If no quality methodology is used in your organization, then identify one process and explain how that process could be helped or improved by any of the quality methodologies.

3. Based on the process you identified, which type of process diagram from Chapter 9 would be most applicable to the process discussed in question # 2 and was such a diagram utilized by your organization?

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