Web-Based Solutions

The Week 2 Assignment should consist of the following section:

Server Side Technology Required (1-1.5 pages)
Based on what you have learned in the course, which technology platform would you choose, and why? Remember that although we are using ASP.NET for this course, developing in Visual Basic, and using Microsoft Access as our RDBMS, this solution does not work in every circumstance. You might choose to use an open source solution such as LAMP (described in the lecture) if your company has a reduced budget. You might upgrade to Oracle and multiple web servers if you need massive scalability. You might also choose to have a small site hosted by an external hosting company.
You should create a cost estimate of the required technology platform. Make sure to include licenses for your server if required (IIS), physical hardware components (your server machine), a static IP address, your domain name, any security issues, licenses for your web application platform (e.g., ASP.NET), your database server (e.g., Oracle), and your development time (how many developers at what salary for how many months). You might not have done this while drafting the assignment, so be sure to include your budget calculations now.

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