Web Media 2


Essay Question: Select one of the media platforms covered in topics 1.1 to 1.4 (ie television, film, music, games or

photography) and analyse what impact digitisation and convergence have had on your chosen media platform.

Note: Although Topic 1.1: Television & Film provided material that discussed these two media forms together, you can

choose to write about just one of them for your essay (which may help you to fit your argument into the word limit).

This essay is worth 30% of your mark for this unit. The essay should be 1500 words in length, including in-text

references; however, your reference list is not included in this count. You have approximately 10% flexibility with the

word limit, but being substantially under or over-length will result in a poorer mark.

Please keep in mind, you will need to develop your own analysis in this essay. Even if you agree completely with one

article or book you’re using, you will need to present a larger and more balanced account than any single source can

provide. You will be expected to have read and to utilise both core and deeper readings from the relevant topic. As this

is a substantial research essay, you will also need to find appropriate additional material to further your analysis.

Your essay should include a fully formed introduction and conclusion, should be written in paragraph form, should present

a clear argument and should meaningfully engage with both core and deeper readings/viewings provided in the unit as well

as including credible material from additional sources. Your essay should follow the APA referencing style.

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Criteria for Assessment

NETS2000 and NETS5010 Web Media students will be assessed on how well their essays:

Present a clear, coherent and concise analysis
Present arguments that explore the cultural and social dynamics of converging and participatory media
Engage critically and meaningfully with relevant core and deeper unit readings
Select and incorporate relevant additional material
Follow conventions of referencing (APA), grammar and expression appropriate for an academic essay
NETS5010 Web Media students are also expected to:

Demonstrate their advanced understanding of Web Media (which can be achieved by the careful choice and integration of

additional material, including scholarly sources and/or examples, to support their essay’s argument)
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