When White Women Cry; How White Women’s Tears Oppress Women of Color

Article Analysis Assignment
I. Instructions – Article Analysis Paper: (see grading rubric below): 1. After reading the assigned article, students will write a 1400 – 1750 word analysis of the research article, “ When White Women Cry: How White Women’s Tears Oppress Women of Color ” (https://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ899418&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ899418) 2. Use the ‘Article Analysis Format’ (located under of the “Article Analysis Checklist” as the format for the paper. 3. Analysis must include components from the checklist. 4. This paper must follow the style of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 5. The attached rubric will be used to grade your essay. 6. Attach your article analysis to assignment portal.
II. Article Analysis Checklist: Use the checklist below to analyze the assigned article.
Article Analysis Checklist
_____ 1. What was the article source?
_____ 2. Was the article peer reviewed? (Was it reviewed by experts in the field before it was published?)
_____ 3. Does the article have a stated research question (s), problem or hypothesis? Can you determine the focus of the author’s work?
_____4. Does the article describe the collection of data, or does it describe and synthesize other studies in which data were collected?
_____ 5. Is the article logically organized and easy to follow? What could have been done to improve its organization?
_____6. Is inductive or deductive reasoning used?
_____7. Does the article contain a section that outlines and reviews previous studies on this topic? In what ways is this previous work relevant to the research problem?
_____8. If the author explained procedures that were followed in the study, are these procedures clear enough that you could repeat the work and get similar results? What additional information might be helpful or essential for you to replicate the study?
_____9. If a quantitative article, describe the independent and dependent variables used in the study.
_____10. Describe the sampling plan.
_____11. If data were collected, describe how they were collected and how they were analyzed? Do you agree with what was done? What additional things would you have done if you had been the researcher?
_____12. Do you agree with the interpretation of the results? Why or why not?
_____13. *View the article holistically. For you, what were the critical features? Were these features important to you? What was most interesting? What are the implications of the targeted population? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article? Will you remember the article in the future? Why or why not?
_____14. Be sure to include a title page and reference page.

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