why are there more men in the gym than women

why are there more men in the gym than women

Using Hope and Timmel’s six stages of questioning model (1994) critically analyse the issue why are there more men in the gym than women.
1. Description (Why are there more men in the gym than women?) – Intro (250 words)
2. First analysis (why does this issue exist?) – present your theory + other insight
3. Real life (where does this issue normal occur?) – apply theory to your observations
4. Related problems (what else can happen as a consequence of your chosen issue?) – present further theory
5. Root causes (look deep beyond the surface) – what wider issues cause the problem? Insight + theory
6. Action Planning (what can be done to help get rid of the issue?) – SMART
7. Critique the problems using theory
8. Be confident to suggest recommendations
2000 words in total with 25 references

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