Why is the dispute settlement body of the WTO so important,and how is it affecting the EU?

Why is the dispute settlement body of the WTO so important,and how is it affecting the EU?

-Essay Question: Why is the dispute settlement body of the WTO so important,and how is it affecting the EU?

-The essay should be based on two case studies:
1th- a case of the EU-US hormone treated beef dispute
2th- and also a case study of the asbestos-containing products!!!
Please go beyond just describing those two cases and say what general principles they lead to !!! Please answer to the question MOSTLY with the above two case studies!!!

-Please also do lots of critical thinking with arguments!Start the argument with: however,…

-Please do not only use the references,but also show own analysis!

-Please do not use any web pages! Please do 22 references.

Referencing Requirements:
Please use only HARVARD style!
Please do not use any web pages!
Please use journals and news articles!

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