Writing for the Web and Collaboration

As we all know, the amount of information on the Internet is growing exponentially. Consequently, the need for creating or converting information into web-friendly formats is growing rapidly, as well. Technical communicators now often write content for websites, update a corporate blog or wiki, or manage a company’s social media presence on the Web.

For this discussion

1.describe the major differences in writing content for the Web versus writing for print; and

2.discuss the importance of web page design and interface. What elements do you feel make a website visually appealing or not?

Feel free to share a website you like or don’t like and explain your reasoning.

Next discussion

We often think of writing as a solitary task. However, as our text states, collaboration with coworkers and with subject matter experts (SMEs) actually rank as two of the most important skills for technical writers in the workplace. So, let’s discuss some ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of collaborative writing. For this discussion

1.explain the benefits derived from collaborating with others; and

2.discuss some of the common pitfalls when working collaboratively. How might you overcome these challenges? Please share any personal experiences you have had with working in a group or on a team.

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