choose a specific topic or controversy raised within the course apply and extend theoretical approaches to examples from course readings as well as films screened in-class develop an argument and assume a position demonstrate academic research and writing

30. choose a specific topic or controversy raised within the course apply and extend theoretical approaches to examples from course readings as well as films screened in-class develop an argument and assume a position demonstrate academic research and writing

First thing is i don’t want the **1650** thousand word count with sources or references or cover page or // second thing is this assignment worth 35% from the whole course so i want to make sure everything is perfect// third thing is i will attache** 2 **files ((first file is about the assignment instructions and second file is about the course syllabus the reason i am uploading the course syllabus because i want the writer to choose a specific topic or controversy from our course reading which will be in the end of the course syllabus and it does say that in the topic that i have been provided and if you guys need access to our library let me know please

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