Literary Voice

Literary Voice

Base your analysis on your reading and on informed analysis of the assigned materials, as well as any additional research that you have done. The purpose of the assignment is to place the book in historical context. You should try to frame your essay around key historical themes raised by the novel (some examples are gender and racism, sexuality, slave law, abolition and emancipation, religion – there are many more in the novel). This is not a book review in the sense that you should offer an opinion of whether or not this was a ?�good’ book that you would recommend to others.

Question chosen for assignment:
Why do you think Phillips chose to write the novel in the way that he did, using different historical literary forms to present different ?�voices’ in the novel?

PLEASE NOTE: The question is a guideline to help you interpret the book and plan your essay. Simply answering them in order is not going to help you attain the best grade. Allow the book to guide you – read the book and the other materials assigned and plan your essay and arguments carefully.

PLEASE NOTE: Background Articles *ATTACHED*
To assist you with this assignment several articles and excerpts from books have been selected for you. Please incorporate at least two of the secondary sources listed for the text that you have selected into your report. These readings are mandatory in order to pass the assignment. You must cite these articles in your book report. Students who fail to do so will fail the assignment automatically. You are encouraged to additional research (please find a minimum of two other sources on your own) as it will probably strengthen your analysis and therefore your grade. You should also incorporate relevant material from the course packet.

READ ALSO :   Application Directions

1.) Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina. Black London: Life Before Emancipation (New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1995), 1-28.

And ONE or BOTH of:
2.) Lucille Mathurin Mair. A Historical Study of Women in Jamaica, 1655-1844 (Kingston, JA.: University of the West Indies Press, 2006), 149-189.
3.) Barbara Bush. “White ?�Ladies’, Coloured ?�Favourites’ and Black ?�Wenches’; Some Considerations on Sex, Race and Class Factors in Social Relations in White Creole Society in the British Caribbean,” Slavery & Abolition, vol. 1, no. 3 (December 1981), 245-262.